How do I get involved?


Site Council meetings are open to the public and our school community members are encouraged to attend. The voting members of the MME SC are made up of parents and a variety of school staff--both certificated and classified. Each year voting member positions open and an election is held. We encourage you to come and see school governance in action.

Council Members

Amelia D. Hess – Principal
Orlando Magana – Chairperson
Erin McKenna – Parent
Jill Souza – Parent
Nina Cossy– Parent
Stephanie Hockman- Parent
Crystal Gonzalez  – Parent Alternate
Carmen de la Torre 
– Teacher K-3
Yesenia Guerrero – Teacher K-3
Edith Suarez
– Teacher 4-6
Patricia Lara
– Other School Staff

Mission and Purpose

The Marguerite Montgomery Elementary Site Council is charged with the ongoing and comprehensive review of the educational program at the school as well as the allocation and use of supplemental funds.

To that end, the MME Site Council shall review the existing program at the site and bring together all members of the school community to collaboratively chart a course of on-going school improvement that will strengthen and improve instruction and learning for all students, with a priority for English Learners, students with low Socio Economic Status, and Foster and Homeless youth.

The MME SC shall strive to thoughtfully reflect the school community's broad diversity and create a vital forum open to all segments of the school community.

Allocating revenue is a major task for the site council. These funds provide for staffing and program development, such as school counseling, specialized instructional teachers, an increase in para-educators in math and reading, books for the library, supplies for math and reading, and general classroom materials.

Meeting Time and Dates

Wednesdays at 4:30pm

  • September 20, 2023
  • October 18, 2023
  • December 20, 2023
  • January 17, 2024 - In person Music Room
  • February 21, 2024
  • April 24, 2024
  • May 20, 2024 In person Music Room
Zoom Meeting Link

SSC Goals

Goal 1:  All students will experience 21st Century teaching and learning.

Goal 2:  DJUSD school educators will close the achievement gap.

Goal 3: Classrooms and school communities will be safe and inclusion learning environments.